Jump Start Your New Year’s Resolution for Healthier Skin Today
Is healthier skin a part of your upcoming New Year’s resolution? You can start with some tips that will make your skin healthier and more attractive.
First, the soap you use on your body is not appropriate for your face. Antibacterial soap can dry your skin, and scented soaps may irritate your skin. Choose a cleanser that is specially designed for the skin on your face, and take your skin type into consideration when selecting a cleanser.
Second, use a moisturizer that is right for your particular skin type. Whether your skin is dry, oily, or combination, there is a moisturizer for you. If your skin is damaged from too much sun exposure or is showing signs of natural aging, choose a moisturizer that addresses your needs.
Third, never leave home without sunblock. It should be applied before you expose your skin to sunlight, and reapplied after physical activity that causes perspiration. It is not enough to use sunblock during the hot summer months. Your skin is also exposed to ultraviolet rays during the winter.
Fourth, avoid tanning salons and sun lamps. If you believe you need a suntan to look your best, use a cosmetic product made for this purpose.
Why wait until New Year’s to start towards healthier skin, reducing the risk of skin cancer, and enjoying overall good health? You have everything you need today, and Universal Dermatology is here to help on the way.
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