A brow lift, also commonly known as a forehead lift, is a non-surgical procedure that can help to reduce forehead wrinkles as well as creases between the eyes and around the nose. It can also help with repositioning saggy eyebrows.
Botox and Dysport
Muscles in the forehead are responsible for both lifting and depressing the eyebrows. As the muscles that push the eyebrows down become stronger than those that lift them up, the brow area begins to droop. When injectables such as BOTOX® and Dysport® are used in the muscles around the eyebrows, muscle balance is restored and the brow area lifts. The effects take just a few days to appear and can last for about 3-4 months.
Dermal Fillers
As we age, our face and skin lose volume causing the appearance of wrinkles and facial aging. Subdermal fat, bone, muscle and skin collagen all begin to deplete as time passes. As this happens, the face, particularly around the eyes and nose, can take on a hollow and sagging look. Dermal fillers like Juvederm®, Radiesse®, and Restylane® can be used to replace the volume loss to help restore a more youthful appearance to the face. This added structural support underneath the skin smooths out wrinkling and provides a facial lifting benefit. Some fillers are even designed to boost collagen production for long-lasting results. The visible effects of dermal fillers are immediate and last an average of 6-18 months.
Lasers Treatments
Another option for sagging brows is laser treatment. A fractional CO2 laser, for example, works by removing damaged layers of skin so that newer layers can form in their place. As part of the healing process, collagen production is stimulated and the result is visibly smoother and tighter skin. When applied to the forehead and brow area, the tightened skin causes the brow to lift. There is minimal downtime after a laser treatment and the treated skin will look smoother and healthier within a few weeks. Full results are visible at approximately 6 months and results can last up to two years.